Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beverly Gray's Adventure Review

I found the last chapter of this book strangely out of place as the main mystery gets wrapped up at the at the end of the second last chapter and then the last chapter is like a mini mystery in itself (starring Lenora to a large degree)
I love this cover. I love collecting the Dust Jacket cover series books and can appreciate those covers that stand out as being better than others. (That said Beverly Gray books aren't generally speaking the best cover art series going. But this cover I think captures Beverly and her beauty as you imagine it well.)
Kay Merrill who was introduced as a rival to Beverly returns here and the two reporters are put in a situation where they need to work together.
Although the title is "Adventure" the book has a strong relationship focus as Beverly's secretive behaviour puts her friend and fiancee offside at different times.
It was also good how Clair Blank can link in Beverly's home town and Vernon College so effortlessly in her writing which keeps long term readers of the series familiar and engaged. One of the benefits of loving the series for the reader.

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