I got the impression before I started this book that perhaps author Clair Blank had not decided on a definite mystery for book 4 whilst reading the end of book 3, it talked about adventures to come but not mysteries. To those who are new to the series the first book Freshman was written by Clair when she was fresh out of school and the publishers asked her to write 3 more to be released as a series about college life. As it was the series was so popular we got to see a lot more of Beverly than just at college in the end but book 2 to 4 must have been written on a very tight schedule.
The start of this series mentions some things that the previous books didn't mention. All of a sudden we have rivals in Vernon in the form of a group of Juniors that are gaining in popularity and like the Alpha Deltas there are six of them. In fact though the Alpha Deltas had no encounters with them in previous books our first introduction to the goes like ...
"Is there a mystery in the air?"
"No"Lois answered " but Connie Elwood and her gang are back in full bloom."
The six new girls that are introduced as juniors are: Kathleen Ryan, Ada Collins, Evelyn Delong, Virginia Harris, Phyllis Tanner and Connie.
Connie goes on to state in one of the opening chapters in a conversation with Shirley..
"I know there is no cause for friendship between us. Goodness knows, my crowd and The Alpha have been at odds for a long time...."
This is a funny statement as Connie, her friends, or any incidences between them and the alphas have never been mentioned before this book and you would imagine a great rivalry between groups would have made an appearance before now,
The book also starts by building the story of Forsythe Film Company coming to campus from Hollywood to make a movie, this story was introduced in the last book, Junior. The idea of having a competition for the students at the school to write a scenario for the movie that will be filmed is a bit ridiculous though. I mean how do you add such a thing to the overall film, especially when they get to make up their own characters rather than use the characters in the film. Instantly it sounds like just the thing for Beverly to display her great writing talents. And Shirley a great actress which the film producer has seen her act as Hamlet at last years college production is silently waiting in the wings.
What with a stuffy stuck up starlet that has a bad attitude and who Lenora set up at the worst hotel in town to teach her a lesson thinking she may quit the film. Leaving a space open for our Shirley to shine. Are we getting predictable Miss Blank? I'm not even up to that stage in the story and already I'm predicting outcomes. Is this because I read the book several years ago and may still remember a bit? Is it because I know and love Beverly and her friends so well? Is it because Clair Blank might of been saying to herself, one more to go then I gave given the publishers the four books they asked for? It would of been interesting to know how ling it took Clair Blank to write each book. Was Senior easier because it was the final year and Clair still had previously mentioned things to draw on that had never been fleshed out before like Anne and Beverly being great tennis players.
A day later and I'm there, yes the predictable happened. One thing I didn't remember from the first time around was the extreme emphasis on Clair Blanks part on being popular:
"Imagine! Valedictorian and president in our society!"
"Her club will never be as popular next term as we are this term."
"He remembered the girls as the ones the Dean had introduced to him as the most popular group on campus."
"They knew that defeat at the hands of Connie and her pals would not be easy. For one thing their popularity would be depleted,..."
"The girl who won would certainly be popular and envied."
Funny how in more recent times being in the popular group in a story probably make you be a mean girl, or a bully or have some other negative attributes. Where during the 1930's when this book was written popular meant you were admired for your achievements for sports, excelling in college subjects or having a talent and winning."
At the Senior ball everyone goes as their favorite fictional character:
Peter Rabbit - Beverly.
Sherlock Holmes - Lenora
Peter Pan - Lois
Joan of Arc - Rosalie
Robinson Crusoe- Anne.
Jim proposes marriage to Beverly and she tells him she never saw him as anything but a friend.
The book / time period seems to be marriage OR career not that you can have both.
Beverly states " isn't one always sorry to find out she is grown up at last? I shall miss the girls a lot."
When Lenora and Beverly pull a stranger out of a window he was trying to break into Lenora has to talk Beverly into following him. (where is Beverly's reporter instincts? Lenora seems more after a story than she.
Beverly states:" he is probably an innocent visitor to the town. I guess he tried to get into the private car just for curiosity." ( p119)
This is absurd - since when was break and enter an innocent thing to do. This shows up Beverly's naivety and makes you wonder if she could be a reporter.
When Beverly becomes part of a kidnap caper she complains about not liking it.
" Where is your sense of adventure?" sneered Lenora. " This is exciting."
Beverly does kick into Reporter mode which we expect of our heroine.
When Beverly enters a house as a part of her investigation, author Clair Blank does a great job of building tension.
In the tennis cup tournament Alpha Deltas Anne and Kathleen Ryan are partners and Beverly teams with Connie Elwood.
Clair Blank does not reveal the year they graduate. At the senior dinner it states " nothing is too good for the class of 19--" (the year is not filled in)
Although Beverly suspects something is going on between Anne and Tommy from glances they exchange she does not question Anne. She does vow however to try and be closer to Anne again as she spends most her time with Lenora and Connie.
The six girls agree to meet up again at the next years graduation to see the 6 new Alpha Deltas graduate.
Beverly's speech at the Senior dinner at Wellar's is inspiring.
" When we leave Vernon we shall go on to different positions and live different lives. Many of you go out in the world to earn your living, and you will meet shadows. The way will prove thorny and rough to some, and yet the future, whether for honor or dishonor rests in our own hands. With a high aim, firm purpose and unselfish ambition we can make our lives what we will."
It is not until the last few pages we learn that Lois is a talented artist that wants to sketch.
Lenora declares it is her sole intention to do nothing but enjoy herself. Rosalie would like to go to the conservatory for music.
Shirley states that two girls in their group (she is referring to Anne and Rosalie) "they are the kind who should devote themselves to society - they are so gracious and contented." I interpreted this as they will marry not work which ends up being what they do.
In the last chapter Anne announces her engagement to Tommy and their wedding takes place with the Alpha Deltas present. Beverly and Jim are the only bridal party. Maid and best man. Anne and Tommy marry and leave immediately as Tommy has a new job out of town.
When asked if she will marry Lenora said she was working on the navy principles "my motto is a boy in every town"
Even before I was 3/4 the way through Senior I was missing the idea of not having more books on their college years and wished there had been 8 books with the mid year Christmas holiday as the end point for the first and the end of t
Year for the second July to June the terms run in the books. Or even 12 books one for before holiday break, one on the break one on return making 12 books in 4 years. Yes I am already missing Beverly's college years at Vernon and wish I could read more.
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