Saturday, June 25, 2011
Beverly Gray Stats from on a world cruise
Beverly has blue eyes.
Kathleen is working as an interior decorator.
Connie is studying to be a designer.
Paul kisses Lois when he sees her in Paris.
We learn that Shirley was an ardent horsewoman before her college days. At prepatory school her only interest was riding.
Beverly Gray on a World Cruise review
This is the 7th book in the series and had a wonderful lead into this in Beverly Gray at the world's fair.
The story begins by describing the Susabella with her white sides and green decks. With wicker chairs and a divan on deck who wouldn't want to be a part of the cruise.
Beverly doesn't seem as wrapped up in being a reporter as one would imagine for a rookie. She tells Jim that when she finds a market for her novels she will resign.
Beverly asks Charlie Blaine for a holiday so she can go on a cruise with her friends. Mind you Beverly has only just gotten back not too long ago from a months absence in Chicago. Yes she went to the Worlds Fair for work but stayed longer with her friends then would of been needed.
Charlie makes no promises but says that of she sends in stories he will pay for them if the choose to publish them.
Those to go on the cruise were Jim Stanton, Paul Benson, Roger Garrett, Lenora Whitehill, Beverly Gray and Shirley Parker. Rogers aunt Miss Ernwood is also on the cruise as chaperon. Crew on the yacht consisted of a captain, chef, steward and two sailors.
Connie and Kathleen stay at home in the apartment. The gangs first plan is to cruise to England to pick up Roger's friend Sir Terry Cartwright.
On board the yacht there are the usual mishaps you can expect from a Beverly Grsy story. Roger, Lenora and Beverly decide to go swimming in the ocean. Beverly decides to continue swimming after the others have stopped and whilst a distance from the yacht a shark appears. Jim Stanton cones to the rescue. That night Jim and Beverly snuggle up on the divan and kiss but Beverly tells him she might feel differently tonorrow. A few days later Jim falls overboard during a storm and isn't found. The Susabella after failing to find Him continues on to England. Beverly is distraught and Shirley tells Lenora "I believe she has been in love with Jim all the time - and didn't know it." ( p70)
everyone is trying to decide if they should go home or not after Jim's accident. As they get to shore in England Jim is waiting for them dressed in old sailor clothes.
Terry Cartwright takes "an immediate liking to Lenora" ( p74)
This story has Beverly do a complete turn around from the previous few books where Lenora egged Beverly on into adventure. From the moment Beverly's novel returned again rejected and she played hookey from work before resigning to travel the world. When following the boys to an unsafe part of town where Jim has to go to meet up with Slim who has the other half of a treasure map Beverly is passionate for adventure. Slim is murdered and Jim is warned of Black Barney who is looking for the map. The turn around Beverly said was a new desire to live life for today after the disappointment of working hard and researching for no reward.
Her behavior change did not go unnoticed. Jim seemed concerned but it came across like he probably liked her leaving her job as to him he thought she might settle down with him.
Shirley was concerned.
"A month ago Beverly would never have thought of that," Shirley said to Jim, watching her friend dive below the surface. " Now it seems the more dangerous a thing is the more she loves it." ( p48)
Beverly Beverly's treatment of her friends and of Jim are quiet poor at times whilst Beverly is struggling to come to terms with her newly acquired attitude to life. Poor Jim, Beverly had originally used the excuse she had no idea how Jim felt about her, qustionable considering everyone else seemed to know including her parents but it can happen. In this story though Beverly spends one evening on the boat kissing Him in the moonlight on board the yacht and then a few days later she says no to going to High Tea with him and the rest of the gang at The Ambassador whilst in England but then turns up there with a stranger (the Count) having tea and dancing with him infront of Jim.
Beverly's naivety continues in this story, I suppose it works as a devise to add more scenes to the drama but for a girl that is suppose to be a reporter it makes her look quiet silly.
Can you say the name Stalker? It seems that Beverly cannot. She bumps into Count Alexis de Frachiny in a bookstore in England and feels she has seen him before but can't remember where. She runs into him in Paris when she and Lenora are lost and can't remember the name of their hotel. He not only runs into them on the street but also happens to know the name of their hotel because he saw them there when checking in because he was staying there too. Okay so perhaps this could be the world's biggest coincidence but when Beverly goes to visit the gypsy
Anselo her rescuer from "Beverly Gray, Junior" and Anselo plays for violin for Beverly in his apartment. When Beverly and Anselo sit down for a cup of tea Anselo and then Beverly notice The Count longing in a doorway across the road watching Anaelo's apartment. When she questioned herself as to if he was following her, what were her thought? Creepy stalker? No!
She rebuked herself.
"The Count had not followed her! Why should he? Certainly there was no reason for him to spy on her!" (p139)
From Paris the group traveled to Berne where they saw famous fountains, the Bear, the " man who eats children" , and the sharpshooter; the old bear gardens; the five hundred year old cathedral before catching a train to Grindelwald to go to the three mile bob sleigh run.
Beverly goes skating on her own and runs literally into guess who? Does she say "Hey quit stalking me," does she run from the creepy man? No Beverly spends the morning with him not giving a thought to the fact that he has now turned up in a small village in Switzerland after running into her in Paris and England. No wonder this girl has a knack of being
kidnapped, locked up, and captured, poor Beverly is clueless!!!
Beverly starts to run low of funds and decides she has to return home. As her friends leave she receives a telegram addressed to Lois that says Beverly has sold her book. After a dangerous encounter with the count finally Beverly wakes up to what we knew all along that the count is a bad guy. Yeah!!!
Beverly now has to travel to Cairo, Egypt to try to catch up with her friends and I'm a tarting yo think I need to do that European trip like Beverly did.
In Egypt Beverly stays at The Shepeards hotel.
I don't remember Egypt at all from my first reading of this book a few years ago. In fact a don't remember a lot od this book so I am looking forward to whatelae I discover in future rereadings of the series.
Lenora did state early in the book rhat Jim had it all wrong and should just go grab Beverly.
Towards the end of the book when Lenora complains that Beverly gets all the adventure Terry grabs her to take her out looking for adventure. Lenora responds to the girls as
"Terry is becoming a caveman and I love it." (p 237)
Lenora soon gets her excitement when she gets Terry to buy her a scarab. To which after a near accident they read the curse on the back of it. "Destruction to those who take from Egypt the thunks which are Egypt's. (p 241)
Beverly is also on another writing frenzy
" I have to let my ideas out or my head would burst."(p 244)
Shirley senses that Beverly is unsatisfied with her life and tries to quiz her over Jim or Roger but Beverly says she is content but Shirley believes that Beverly is not satisfied with her life despite the book selling and her world travels.
Christmas eve is spent in Jerusalem visiting the small church where once the manager had stood.
The book ends on Christmas eve singing Christmas carols in Bethlehem and we are reminded of the next book in the orient and wonders if the Count will return or the scarab will bring destruction and that Jim still holds the treasure map.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Beverly Gray Artwork
i wish there were Beverly Gray items you could purchase, and a better collection of artwork of her. I decided today to buy some art paper to have a go at an artwork on Beverly for my wall. I am going to look at all the artwork created on her for some inspiration.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Alpha Delta Stats from world's fair

The picture has to be of Beverly wiith either Lenora, Virginia or Connie.
The girls buy cans from the American can company that are really banks with buildings at the world's fair on them. (Beverly, Virginia, Lenora and Connie)
Beverly: August 5th is Beverly's birthday. Star sign Leo. Beverly is told by a palm reader she loves Jim but she is very changeable in her heart and a little hard to please. Beverly was asked to get married by Jim numerous times.
Lenora: is told by a palm reader she will marry twice.
Virginia: has a young niece called Judy, is living with her Aunt and uncle in Chicago whilst studying medicine.
Other facts: Jim Stanton knew Roger Garrett at college. Jim plays the piano.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Beverly Gray at the World's Fair

This is it. Book number 6 and the only book in the series I have not read yet.
I have been enjoying starting the series at book 1 in preparation for this books arrival and will be happy to read on in order after this is finished in order to piece things together as they happened. The first time around I read the series in whatever order I could get them off eBay with a good condition dust jacket, this time I am reading to link the entire story together.
I decided to read one chapter as is was real late when I finished reading Beverly Grays Career and ended up reading 5 chapters. This is pretty much how this book read. Never a chapter alone as perhaps intended but like with any great compelling book in large digestible chunks, each time looking and thinking " I only have so many chapters left." it brought back memories as how I felt each time a Beverly Gray book arrived the first time I read the series. Even for me a inn tube person I considered getting a camera out to capture the arrival of this rare prize. It is great to find a series you can get really excited about. For me that excitement has come from Beverly Gray and Trixie Belden mainly now and The Secret Seven and Famous Five growing up.
Reading the series in order has also put the characters in better order for me. I can understand now why ypuu would have 12 Alpha Deltas, as it allows Beverly to travel but still be with friends in adventures and mysteries. I do wish that Clair Blank as an author spent more time describing her characters. Most I would not have the faintest idea as to their facial features, hair color etc. Some Alpha Deltas I barely know anything about, where I grew up on Enid Blyton books where the characters seemed to be defined in a lot greater detail.
The story starts with Lois leaving on a ship for Paris to study art for a year. Ralf Mathews, Larry Owens and Paul Benson, all suitors in Beverly Gray's Career are all present.
Connie has arrived and we learn her name is really Constance Elwood and Connie is for short. Connie and Kathleen Ryan move in with Lenora and Beverly just after Lois leaves.
Lenora, Connie and Beverly leave for Chicago and Beverly runs into Shirley ( not a long time till they saw Shirley again as was stated would be the case in Career ) Kathleen Ryan stays in New York and Jim Stanton turns up. Kathleen raves about how good looking Jim is and I can't remember anyone carrying on about Larry being as good looking. Would of been good to have seen a movie and have them side by side to see who they picked for the actors to play Larry and Jim.
Beverly and Virginia become involved in a murder at the world's fair. When Lenora becomes a part of the investigating team, Lenora shows a spunk and prowess that Beverly seems to drift in and out of. Lenora states she loves detectecting and again I think here is a girl who doesn't know what she wants to do for a career but she knows exactly what she loves doing. I then start to thinking is detective work that different to reporting? Why doesn't Beverly show more passion for pursuing the bad guys like Lenora does? Would a good reporter really hold off on a scoop story to get a fuller story later? Lenora spends a long time convincing Beverly that they should break into someones room to investigate. Lenora has a sense of urgency and gunho whilst Beverly is more contemplative.
The ending to the story was superb and again a great lead into the next adventure. The main mystery finished some time earlier and poor Beverly was attacked by a tiger and suffered yet another marriage proposal from poor Jiim. You think he would get fed up of being shot down. We also learn of Shirley's fate. If the world fair hadn't of dated this book then the new invention showcased at the world fair of television definitely did. Funny to see Lenora scared of a cable car too considering they are so tame by today's standards.
Reading the books in order has done a lot to fill in gaps of who's who and learn more about the Alpha Deltas.
Beverly gray,
Connie Elwood,
Jim Stanton,
Larry Owens,
Lenora Whitehill,
World's fair
Beverly Gray's Career

Picture: Beverly, Lenora and Lois loooking at the crystal with Omar El Hamel.
Beverly is not content at home in Renville. She has been home 3 months and has not been inspired to write anything of worth.
Shirley and Lenora turn up the same day. Lenora has inherited a lot of money.
Rosalie we learn very quickly is engaged and set to marry in spring, Shirley was correct about Anne and Rosalie it seems. After 4 books I still don't think I know enough about Rosalie to fill two sentences. For the frost 4 books she seemed to just say things in conversation, she never had a truly identifiable personality. She was simply referred to as quiet.
Lenora decides to go to New York and asks Beverly and Lois to join her. Lenora's motto for New York is " watch our smoke, and learn"
Beverly, Lois and Lenora share a one bedroom apartment. They have a large lounge room, kitchenettes, bathroom and bedroom. They get one double bed and one studio couch that opens to a full size bed.
I love the contemplation by Beverly in the early chapters as she often spends the evenings looking out the apartment windows. Looking at the skyscrapers in New York ( p59-60)
" Didn't the desire to better oneself, the love of friends, didn't these things count for something? Did one always loose idealism in the scramble for existence in the working world?" (p60)
" If she could and would refuse to see the sordid, unpleasant side of everyday living she could be just as happy as she had been at Vernon."(p61)
" There was something somewhere in the world that she wanted- needed. There was a great lack in her life."(p61)
Does Beverly find that something? I don't think so in " Career" Does she find it in the series and what is it? I'll have to ask myself as I re- read the series.
Hope Rodgers is a new character that is introduced that lives upstairs. During the story she opens a shop with Lenora to sell the latest fashions.
The girls play Bridge for entertainment.
Larry Owens turns up and we learn that although we gave not seen him since the night he proposed to Beverly in Junior, they have both sent a few letters but neither was a studious correspondent so the letters laxed. Funny how we know that Jim and Beverly also have written letters throughout the series but the pair manage to keep up their correspondence. It is even mentioned that Jim has asked Beverly again to marry him in one of his letters.
Again in Career we are entertained by Lenora's prowess as a would be detective, she really did miss her calling. A shop owner is too pedestrian for Lenora.
" Lenora was of the opinion that the detective didn't know much of this murder - or of anything. For one thing she didn't like the angle at which he wore his derby. And why did he have to wear a derby?" ( p115)
Beverly does a good charitable deed one Christmas eve helping two poor boys with a good meal and Christmas gifts.
Beverly starts to get short stories published and thinks of writing a play or novel.
Roger Garrett is introduced as a new suitor for Beverly after meeting him at Shirley's new years party she went to with Larry. Lois gets a new date called Paul Benson for the party and Lenora dates Ralph Mathew. Lucky for Larry his competition Roger is called away on business so Larry is able to step in to take Beverly out to see Shirley's play.
Lois is the first girl slotted for international travel as she wins an art competition with a years study in Paris. Shirley is also set to travel ( to Chicago) as a part of a play she has a minor role in.
"Why wish the past back again?" murmured Beverly. "The present is exciting and the future - well, we can make the future exciting if we want to." ( p214-215)
As the girls return to Vernon a new mystery starts with only 3 chapters to go. We also hear of the plans for the second generation of Alpha Deltas. Virginia is going to medical school, (Chicago) Ada to the conservatory of music, (Chicago) Connie school of design, (New York) Kathleen studying to be an interior decorator (New York), Evelyn to business school to be a secretary. ( Philadelphia) and Phyllis to do commercial art. (Philadelphia)
It is mentioned in the last chapter that the girls would not see Shirley again for some time and with Lois going to Paris for a year, Connie and Kathleen are slotted into the story with a move to New York after graduation.
And of course the next book in the series is the ever illusive Beverly Gray at the World's fair.
Beverly gray,
Larry Owens,
Lenora Whitehill,
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Beverly Gray, book 4 Senior review

I got the impression before I started this book that perhaps author Clair Blank had not decided on a definite mystery for book 4 whilst reading the end of book 3, it talked about adventures to come but not mysteries. To those who are new to the series the first book Freshman was written by Clair when she was fresh out of school and the publishers asked her to write 3 more to be released as a series about college life. As it was the series was so popular we got to see a lot more of Beverly than just at college in the end but book 2 to 4 must have been written on a very tight schedule.
The start of this series mentions some things that the previous books didn't mention. All of a sudden we have rivals in Vernon in the form of a group of Juniors that are gaining in popularity and like the Alpha Deltas there are six of them. In fact though the Alpha Deltas had no encounters with them in previous books our first introduction to the goes like ...
"Is there a mystery in the air?"
"No"Lois answered " but Connie Elwood and her gang are back in full bloom."
The six new girls that are introduced as juniors are: Kathleen Ryan, Ada Collins, Evelyn Delong, Virginia Harris, Phyllis Tanner and Connie.
Connie goes on to state in one of the opening chapters in a conversation with Shirley..
"I know there is no cause for friendship between us. Goodness knows, my crowd and The Alpha have been at odds for a long time...."
This is a funny statement as Connie, her friends, or any incidences between them and the alphas have never been mentioned before this book and you would imagine a great rivalry between groups would have made an appearance before now,
The book also starts by building the story of Forsythe Film Company coming to campus from Hollywood to make a movie, this story was introduced in the last book, Junior. The idea of having a competition for the students at the school to write a scenario for the movie that will be filmed is a bit ridiculous though. I mean how do you add such a thing to the overall film, especially when they get to make up their own characters rather than use the characters in the film. Instantly it sounds like just the thing for Beverly to display her great writing talents. And Shirley a great actress which the film producer has seen her act as Hamlet at last years college production is silently waiting in the wings.
What with a stuffy stuck up starlet that has a bad attitude and who Lenora set up at the worst hotel in town to teach her a lesson thinking she may quit the film. Leaving a space open for our Shirley to shine. Are we getting predictable Miss Blank? I'm not even up to that stage in the story and already I'm predicting outcomes. Is this because I read the book several years ago and may still remember a bit? Is it because I know and love Beverly and her friends so well? Is it because Clair Blank might of been saying to herself, one more to go then I gave given the publishers the four books they asked for? It would of been interesting to know how ling it took Clair Blank to write each book. Was Senior easier because it was the final year and Clair still had previously mentioned things to draw on that had never been fleshed out before like Anne and Beverly being great tennis players.
A day later and I'm there, yes the predictable happened. One thing I didn't remember from the first time around was the extreme emphasis on Clair Blanks part on being popular:
"Imagine! Valedictorian and president in our society!"
"Her club will never be as popular next term as we are this term."
"He remembered the girls as the ones the Dean had introduced to him as the most popular group on campus."
"They knew that defeat at the hands of Connie and her pals would not be easy. For one thing their popularity would be depleted,..."
"The girl who won would certainly be popular and envied."
Funny how in more recent times being in the popular group in a story probably make you be a mean girl, or a bully or have some other negative attributes. Where during the 1930's when this book was written popular meant you were admired for your achievements for sports, excelling in college subjects or having a talent and winning."
At the Senior ball everyone goes as their favorite fictional character:
Peter Rabbit - Beverly.
Sherlock Holmes - Lenora
Peter Pan - Lois
Joan of Arc - Rosalie
Robinson Crusoe- Anne.
Jim proposes marriage to Beverly and she tells him she never saw him as anything but a friend.
The book / time period seems to be marriage OR career not that you can have both.
Beverly states " isn't one always sorry to find out she is grown up at last? I shall miss the girls a lot."
When Lenora and Beverly pull a stranger out of a window he was trying to break into Lenora has to talk Beverly into following him. (where is Beverly's reporter instincts? Lenora seems more after a story than she.
Beverly states:" he is probably an innocent visitor to the town. I guess he tried to get into the private car just for curiosity." ( p119)
This is absurd - since when was break and enter an innocent thing to do. This shows up Beverly's naivety and makes you wonder if she could be a reporter.
When Beverly becomes part of a kidnap caper she complains about not liking it.
" Where is your sense of adventure?" sneered Lenora. " This is exciting."
Beverly does kick into Reporter mode which we expect of our heroine.
When Beverly enters a house as a part of her investigation, author Clair Blank does a great job of building tension.
In the tennis cup tournament Alpha Deltas Anne and Kathleen Ryan are partners and Beverly teams with Connie Elwood.
Clair Blank does not reveal the year they graduate. At the senior dinner it states " nothing is too good for the class of 19--" (the year is not filled in)
Although Beverly suspects something is going on between Anne and Tommy from glances they exchange she does not question Anne. She does vow however to try and be closer to Anne again as she spends most her time with Lenora and Connie.
The six girls agree to meet up again at the next years graduation to see the 6 new Alpha Deltas graduate.
Beverly's speech at the Senior dinner at Wellar's is inspiring.
" When we leave Vernon we shall go on to different positions and live different lives. Many of you go out in the world to earn your living, and you will meet shadows. The way will prove thorny and rough to some, and yet the future, whether for honor or dishonor rests in our own hands. With a high aim, firm purpose and unselfish ambition we can make our lives what we will."
It is not until the last few pages we learn that Lois is a talented artist that wants to sketch.
Lenora declares it is her sole intention to do nothing but enjoy herself. Rosalie would like to go to the conservatory for music.
Shirley states that two girls in their group (she is referring to Anne and Rosalie) "they are the kind who should devote themselves to society - they are so gracious and contented." I interpreted this as they will marry not work which ends up being what they do.
In the last chapter Anne announces her engagement to Tommy and their wedding takes place with the Alpha Deltas present. Beverly and Jim are the only bridal party. Maid and best man. Anne and Tommy marry and leave immediately as Tommy has a new job out of town.
When asked if she will marry Lenora said she was working on the navy principles "my motto is a boy in every town"
Even before I was 3/4 the way through Senior I was missing the idea of not having more books on their college years and wished there had been 8 books with the mid year Christmas holiday as the end point for the first and the end of t
Year for the second July to June the terms run in the books. Or even 12 books one for before holiday break, one on the break one on return making 12 books in 4 years. Yes I am already missing Beverly's college years at Vernon and wish I could read more.
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